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Spiders & Ice Cream Floats

No matter what you call them, everybody loves them… Spiders, Ice cream sodas or floats, have earned a well deserved soft spot in our memory. Though, they don’t have to stay in our memory with this collection of inspiration for the adult take on a warm day classic.
Burgundee Creaming Soda Spider
Arguably one of our most ‘traditional’ flavours, this mix has Throwback written all over it.
How to mix:
You know what to do. Place 1 (or 2) large scoops of creamy vanilla ice cream in a large glass and top with Burgundee Creaming Soda. Bonus points if you manage the ideal balance between bubbles, creaming soda and ice cream.
Dirty Root Beer Float
Ok, so this one is a little confusing. In the USA our Sarsaparilla is labelled as Root Beer. We’re taking a little creative licence and borrowing the name that rolls off the tongue.
To make it a little more ‘adult’, we’ve also added a shot of Root Beer Schnapps, though you could also include your favourite dark spirit.
Want a not-so-dirty Root Beer float? Just follow the same steps without the alcohol.
Don’t forget, the bottle will be labelled Sarsaparilla in Australia & New Zealand.
Tooty (Passion)Fruity Spider
A crowd favourite flavour, our Passionfruit brew is undoubtedly brewed using the real thing. Add a creamy twist to the light and bubbly brew and it’s a whole new ballgame.
Share your Creation
We’d love to see how you craft the ultimate Spider/ Float/ Ice cream soda. Share a pic and tag us on Instagram using @BundabergDrinks and we might even send you a carton of brews to say Cheers!